Friday 30 September 2011

Planning what to do next -

I'm getting to a point in my research where im coming to a halt, and i have no sense of direction, so i am going to create a new list of what to do next, hopefully to keep me on track, and give me some deadlines to meet -

- Decide on the product to advertise (1st october)

- conduct research around this product - how it is conventionally advertised - as much market research around the product as possible (20 october)

- Brand the product - packaging, audience, USP ( 24 october )

- Market research on decided audience - questionnaires, viewings of existing adverts ( 1 november)

The plan is to get this all done around half term, so that when i come back i can focus on planning and producing the advert.

1 comment:

  1. - Research around the product has turned out to be much more lengthy than i expected, the further i look into my research, the more problems/issues to research pop up. I have therefore not even decided on a true product to advertise, including branding.
